3 Fatal Workplace Accidents in the Month of June

In the month of June alone, there are 3 fatal accident that happen in the workplace relating to moving machines. Can this be prevented? Yes it can be. Can more be done? Definitely.
Accident 1: Worker pinned by moving machine frame
The first incident happen on 12 June where a worker was working on a glass laminating machine when a moving part of the machine suddenly moved, pinning the worker against the machine frame. He was sent to the hospital but subsequently died due to his injuries.
Accident 2: Worker fell together with the formwork structure
On 21st June 2018, a worker was working on the work platform of an exterior wall formwork structure on a building under the construction. The formwork suddenly gave way and he was left free falling for 29m together with the structure. The worker was pronounce dead at the scene of the accident.
Accident 3: Driver struck by falling concrete pile
On 23rd June 2018, two drivers were working underwater, installing brackets onto a concrete pile, when one of the concrete pile collapsed and struck one of them, pinning him against the seabed. He was rescued and convoyed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead due to injury complications
The ministry of manpower are carrying out investigations on these three accidents.
Food for thoughts: In these situation we can’t help but to think if there was any risk assessment done prior to the accident. Did the risk assessment encompass foreseeable risk of people being pinned or crushed by moving parts of a machine?(for the first accident?) or did it encompass a fall preventive plan?Do they know the site hazards involved in the operation? However, we can’t answer these questions now, as investigation is still ongoing. But one thing is for sure. We can’t prevent these accidents if more of us are aware of the risk involved. Risk assessments are crucial.